Candace I.J. Nykiforuk, PhD, CE
Principal Investigator
Dr. Candace I.J. Nykiforuk is a Professor and Associate Dean (Research and Research Programs) in the School of Public Health, University of Alberta. She is also the Director of the Centre for Healthy Communities in the School of Public Health, where she also leads projects within the Healthy Municipalities and Workplace thematic area. She is a health geographer and population health promotion researcher with a strong interest in the role of community environments on health and well-being. She also has expertise in the development and diffusion of healthy public policies.
Dr. Nykiforuk’s research is grounded in social-ecological theory and community-based participatory research (CBPR) perspectives. Most of her studies employ mixed-methods, which involve both quantitative (e.g., surveys, systematic community observation) and qualitative (e.g., interviews, focus groups, photovoice) techniques. Dr. Nykiforuk also uses geographic information systems (GIS) for mapping and spatial analysis in some of her work.
Candace is an applied researcher, which means that community impact – making a real difference in the community – is as important to her as scholarly impact. Her research is most often conducted in partnership with practitioners and decision-makers in the communities that she is working with. Her partners help to define project research questions and implement the project in meaningful ways. In turn, the research helps to address issues that the partners are working with in their daily practice.

Policy, Location and Access in Community Environments (PLACE) Research Lab
P (780) 492-4109
F (780) 492-0364
- PhD, Health Studies and Gerontology, University of Waterloo (2004)
- MA, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo (1999)
- BA, Human Geography, University of Alberta (1997)
- 2018 – 2019 Killam Annual Professorship Award, University of Alberta
- 2017 Alberta Parks and Recreation Association – Volunteer Recognition Award (3 Year)
- 2017 Supervisor of the Year (2016), School of Public Health Students Association, University of Alberta
- 2016 – 2023 Inducted as a Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada
- 2015 Martha Cook Piper Research Prize, University of Alberta
- 2015 Community Connection Scholar Award, University of Alberta
- 2014 – 2019 Applied Public Health Chair, Canadian Institutes of Health Research in partnership with Public Health Agency of Canada and Alberta Innovates: Health Solutions
- 2009 Faculty & Staff Award of Excellence, Presented on behalf of the Health Promotion Graduate Students’ Association for 2008-2009, University of Alberta
- 2009 CAFA Distinguished Academic Early Career Award, Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations
- 2004 – 2005 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canadian Institutes of Health Research Strategic Training Program in Tobacco Research (CIHR – STPTR)