What is the relationship between play and lifelong well-being?

Play, and unstructured play in particular, builds a strong foundation for lifelong learning and healthy development. Our work in this area focuses on assessing play environments, understanding child, parental, and staff perceptions of play, and exploring facilitators and barriers to play in different settings. We also examine the links between different play types and physical activity.

Evaluation of Innovative Preschool Play Spaces

Why is play in early childhood important? Early childhood free play experiences can influence a child’s developmental, mental and physical health, impacting them for the rest of their [...]

Collaborative Projects and Publications

  • 2019 – 2019
    Levelling the Playing Fields: Creating the Conditions for Outdoor Free-Play to Emerge in Cities
    (CIHR: IPPH Building Healthy Cities – Dragon’s Den)
    Principal Investigator: Katherine Frohlich (NPI)
  • Glenn, N.M., Kongats, K., Cowie, H., Guimond, J.K., Nykiforuk, C.I.J. (2020). Promoting children’s play in Calgary, Alberta: a case study of collective impact and municipal leadership. Cities and Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2020.1779994